Evidence Script

This will go over in-depth information regarding the evidence script in the server, the full script documentation can be found here: https://regalonefour.github.io/category/features--information/

This script is based on r14-evidence and will be a major aid to all law enforcement agencies throughout MidwestRP. Throughout their time on the server, players will generate evidence drops triggered by specific in-game events. The script enhances the investigative experience for law enforcement by introducing tools such as a flashlight and a dedicated camera,.

Standard Evidence

Shell Casings

Civilians generate bullet casings as a natural part of using firearms, creating a crucial aspect of investigative work for law enforcement. Police can establish connections between bullet casings and the weapons that discharged them using the firearm's serial number.

Collection Process

  1. Identification: Upon locating a bullet casing, law enforcement officers can identify and examine it using the provided flashlight or camera.

  2. Information Retrieval: Collecting the casing not only removes it from the scene but also triggers the retrieval of vital information. Officers will receive details such as the caliber of the firearm that fired the casing.

  3. Evidence Bag Issuance: After collection, officers automatically receive an evidence bag. This bag includes essential information such as a tracking number, date of collection, and a brief description of the general location where the casing was found.

Caliber Information

Officers will have access to accurate information about the caliber of the firearm associated with each bullet casing.


Every collected bullet casing is meticulously documented within the evidence bag. The tracking number allows for easy reference, ensuring a thorough and organized approach to managing the collected evidence. The date of collection and location details further contribute to a comprehensive record for law enforcement purposes.

Bullet Impacts

In addition to generating bullet casings, firing a weapon will also create a bullet impact which will reveal the general type of weapon that fired it, and the angle of impact which roughly indicates the direction it was fired from. When a bullet strikes a ped or a player, it will not generate an angle of impact evidence but show where the bullet struck them and indicate that there is a wound.

Blood Splatter

When players are harmed by being punched, shot, or stabbed, they will drop blood evidence and this will continue as they're bleeding if not treated. This blood evidence will provide police with the DNA code of the person who dropped it, who can then match it with their records or by collecting the DNA of a suspect and comparing it. If you find blood on the floor you're able to collect it by pressing G near the piece of evidence. After collection, officers automatically receive an evidence bag. This bag includes essential information such as a tracking number, date of collection, and a brief description of the general location where the casing was found.


Players who are not wearing gloves will create fingerprints that police will be able to match. Utilizing the fingerprint system.

Collecting Fingerprints

When you collect fingerprints you'll need 3 specific items to collect them, Fingerprint Tape, Mikrosil , and Fingerprint Kit. These will allow you to take fingerprints from the ground and put them into an evidence bag.

Vehicle Fragments

When anyone crashes their vehicle, they will create a vehicle fragment evidence which can be discovered and collected by police. There are two types of vehicle fragments generated, body fragments which will always reveal the color of the vehicle generated, and engine fragments which will always reveal the make and model of the vehicle. The amount of damage to either the body or the engine of a vehicle exceeds a set threshold, body fragments will also reveal the make and model, while engine fragments will also reveal the plate of the vehicle as a 'VIN match'. When collecting this you'll need to scan the ground with a camera or flashlight and collect it with an evidence bag.


When taking evidence on scenes of crimes you may locate weapons. Upon finding these weapons you'll be able to take them into your evidence by putting them into an evidence bag. When you find a weapon on someone you'll put it in your inventory. When you have everything you need and you have the amount of Empty Evidence bags to the number of items you need to place in them, run the command /bagevidence. You'll be prompted with a screen for Bag Evidence In Inventory.

Vehicle Evidence

Police can conduct investigations and recover evidence by searching vehicles for casings, blood, fingerprints, and signs of tampering with either the exterior locks of a vehicle or the ignition. When eventually found by police, they will be able to bag them using an empty evidence bag and have all the same information from a standard evidence drop in addition to the plate it was recovered from.

Car Blood

When taking damage, or bleeding out from a wound they have sustained, if civilians are riding in a vehicle at the time they will generate blood evidence within the vehicle which can be found by investigators. This evidence drop will show DNA and blood type just like normal blood but also show the seat that the player was sitting in at the time.

Car Casings

When someone fires a weapon from a vehicle they won't drop every shell casing into the street, if the player doesn't clean out their vehicle, you'll be able to investigate the vehicle and have the potential to recover shell casings from your car even after a server reset.

Car Fingerprints

Just because a suspect was able to pick the locks, start the car, and drive off before police were able to respond doesn't mean that they are free and clear. Not only will they still have to contend with the possibility of a flagged plate, but the fact that officers will be able to identify that their vehicle has been forcibly entered and the ignition forcibly started, and potentially even their fingerprints all over the crime scene. Additionally, officers can leave their fingerprints on the exterior of a vehicle during a traffic stop, potentially leaving behind crucial physical evidence in the event it turns into far more than a simple ticket. To access this menu walk up to a vehicle using Third Eye and select Conduct Evidence Sweep.

Exterior Tamperings

When responding to reports of successful or attempted vehicle theft, or even just when encountering a suspicious vehicle during routine police work, you will be able to discover signs of forcible entry to aid your investigations. The first and most simple way to do this would be through the Investigate Vehicle Third Eye interaction in which you conduct a visual inspection of the vehicle without entering it. This interaction will also create a chat message for you to reference if needed later. However, you can also gain this information by conducting an evidence sweep of the vehicle, assuming that you have the right to do so!

Ignition Tamperings

Like the evidence of exterior tampering that officers can observe in their investigations when conducting a full evidence sweep of a vehicle, you can also discover signs that the ignition of the vehicle was tampered with or forcibly started. While it will be up to the officer to determine whether a suspect broke into the vehicle and lockpicked the ignition, or if they simply forgot their keys and needed to get their vehicle home, this information is quickly and easily available to discover!

Checks and Investigations

All of these interactions are able to be done by using Third Eye on someone. If you have the required items it'll be listed for selection. If you have every item you can select it from the following list to aid in your investigation!

Investigating Other Players

You can conduct almost all investigations of players and vehicles in the server through the use of Third Eye interactions. Quickly and easily select who you want to investigate, and get a result in your chat history with their server ID to easily keep track of it. Additionally, many of the investigations will provide you with an inventory item containing the results!

Investigate Person

Available at any time, without the need for any inventory items, is the ability of officers to investigate a person to reveal any status effects that they currently have. This interaction does not notify the suspect, simply triggering an animation for the officer and after completion of a progress bar giving you a chat notification with their status effects list if they have any. These statuses are applied based on the player character as well, meaning that players logging out will not transfer statuses to other characters, and are held server side so they are persistent and available to police even if they fly in after the effect was applied.

Frisking Someone

No longer do you have to search people to attempt and ascertain whether or not they have weapons on their person, you can now quickly and easily perform a Terry frisk of a person of interest and determine whether or not they are carrying a weapon or something suspicious.

GSR Field Test

You can obtain a more accurate and admissible in-court record of a suspect's GSR status by conducting a field GSR test. This test accesses a server-side GSR table which is triggered when a person shoots or aims a firearm, rather than simply having been in the area when a firearm was discharged. Like the Investigate Person event, the GSR field test is based on the player character being tested and not the player themselves, meaning GSR status does not transfer to other characters when logging out and back in without disconnecting.

When conducting a field GSR test kit, a positive result will automatically be bagged into an evidence bag if an officer has one on hand.


Using the Breathalyzer system you're able to determine if a person has consumed alcohol and roughly estimate how much they have drank by returning an estimated Blood Alcohol Content. When blowing anything over a 0.0, the breathalyzer will then print out the result and place it into an evidence bag to allow officers to easily access it later.

Drug Testing

Officers can use the Field Drug Test to screen suspects for recent drug usage. This drug test is intended to be an accurate method of determining drug use and admissible in court.

When conducting a field test, the officer will receive the result of the drug test in an evidence bag which can be retained either as evidence in support of their investigation or can exist as exculpatory evidence counter to their assertion that a person has used drugs.

DNA Swab

To match blood or other DNA samples to a suspect as part of an investigation, the Field DNA Test Kit can be used to collect the DNA of a person of interest. After completing the DNA swab, the officer will then receive an evidence bag containing the swab along with the person's DNA code they can use in their investigation or record in an MDT profile.


To aid in the accurate and prompt identification of suspects, persons of interest, and even just civilians in the field, using the mobile fingerprint reader and the ability to quickly and easily access that print. Rather than requiring an officer to either convince a person to come down to the station, or to detain them and transport them to the station, they can quickly and easily use the Pro Tech XFR8001 fingerprint reader and obtain a printout in an evidence bag of the person's unique fingerprint ID.

Evidence Script Items

Evidence Box Stash

Every LEO Armory and Vehicle comes with an Evidence Box. Using this box is simple, double-click it or drag it to use and it'll open the stash on the right side of your screen. While conducting your investigation you're able to drag items from your inventory to help conserve inventory space and to keep everything more organized. When finished you can bring the items to the evidence stash located in your station, you can pull it back out via its reference number at a later date.

Evidence Locker

When you're finished with an investigation and in need of storing items and information until a later date you'll put it in an Evidence Locker. When you open the locker you'll be greeted with a popup asking for which slot number, you'll select the next available number and place your items inside. These items will stay there forever. You're able to come back to the locker and input the number to reaccess your items.

Booking Fingerprint Reader

After finishing your investigation, you will have hopefully collected evidence. If you have a suspect of interest relating to a piece of DNA you found you can take them into the booking cells and have them scan their finger to get their DNA ID. You'll both enter the screen and have them press the fingerprint reader which in turn will throw out their DNA ID. This is used to verify if they're the right person or not ultimately helping you put the right person in prison.

Evidence Bags

When you've collected something in an evidence bag and want to get more details from the bag or edit some of the information you can drag the bag to use or double-click the bag. You'll be greeted with the Evidence Bag Menu. You'll initially be listed with information containing what's in the bag but if you scroll down you'll be able to unbag the item, Add a note to the bag, ETC.

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