Resetting Keybinds

We highly recommend resetting any custom keybinds you have set.

To reset your mapped key binds, do the following

  • Make sure to completely close FiveM

  • In Windows File Explorer, go to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\CitizenFX

  • In that folder is a file named fivem.cfg, open that with Notepad or some text editor

  • Delete every line that starts with rbind

  • Save that file and restart FiveM

Examples of lines to delete

rbind visn_are KEYBOARD X "cancel_interaction"
rbind ox_lib KEYBOARD X "cancelprogress"
rbind smarttaser KEYBOARD X "drivestun"
rbind helicam KEYBOARD X "rappel"
rbind rpemotes KEYBOARD X "emotecancel"
rbind visn_are KEYBOARD Y "open_self_menu"
rbind garbage_job KEYBOARD Y "join-garbage-crew"

You could also rename the file (ex. fivem-backup.cfg) and a new one will be created the next time you load FiveM.

Last updated