Keybinds and Commands
An official list of all in-game Commands and Key Binds
Kebinds with * *
demonstrate that key bind can be customized in SETTINGS > KEY BINDINGS > FIVEM
Get Player / Character ID - /id
Open Phone - * M *
Open Job Menu - * F4 *
or /jobmenu
Open Command Binds Menu - /binds
Open HUD Menu - * I *
or /menu
Open Radial Menu - * F1 *
or /radial
3rd Eye/Target - * LEFT ALT *
Tackle - * LEFT ALT *
or /tackle
Lock/Unlock Doors - * E *
or /toggledoorlock
Job/Gang Info
Current Job Information - /job
Current Gang Information - /gang
Rob a Player - /rob
Reset Used Parachute - /resetparachute
Roleplay Commands
- Action or Character Information [Local]
- Out of Character [Local]
Create 3D Scene Markers
Create Scene - * no default key *
or /createscene
Delete Scene - * no default key *
or /deletescene
Money & Banking
Create/Pay Invoices - /invoices
Show Cash Amount - /cash
Show Bank Account Balance - /bank
Show Crypto Amount - /crypto
Check Current Crypto Value - /checkcryptoworth
Cruise Control - * no default key *
or /togglecruise
Toggle Seatbelt - * B *
or /toggleseatbelt
Toggle Vehicle Key fob - * L *
or /togglelocks
Toggle Engine - * G *
or /engine
Keep Engine on / door open - Hold F
Livery Count - /livery
Set Livery - /livery [ID]
Set Extra - /extra [ID]
Give Vehicle Keys - /givekeys [ID} *must be in drivers seat of vehicle
Transfer Vehicle to another Owner - /transfervehicle [ID] [AMOUNT] *transfers a vehicle to another player [ID] for payment [AMOUNT]
Open Door - /door [1-4]
Open Window - /window [1-7]
Open Hood - /hood
Open Trunk - /trunk
Open Bombay - /bombay
*select vehicles
Toggle Dome Light - /dome
Seats Available - /seat
Switch to Seat - /seat [ID]
Get in Trunk - /getintrunk
*must have trunk open first
Put in Trunk - /putintrunk
*must have trunk open first
Vehicle Attachment
Attach Vehicle - /attach
Detach Vehicle - /detach
Open Menu - * no default key *
or /emotemenu
Play Emote - /e [emotename]
Cancel Emote - * no default key *
or /e c
Ragdoll - * no default key *
or /ragdoll
Hands Up - * Y *
or /e handsup
or /hu
Point - * B *
or /pointing
Crouch - * Left Control *
or /crouch
Crawl - * Right Control *
or /crawl
Job Specific
Law Enforcement
Check Seatbelt - * no default key *
or /seatbeltcheck
Megaphone - * no default key *
Toggle Lidar Display - * I *
or /lidar
Cuff Player - F1 > Work > Police Actions > Cuff
or /cuff
Jail Player - F1 > Work > Police Actions > Jail
or /jail
Escort - F1 > Work > Police Actions > Escort
or /escort
Set Callsign - F1 > Work > Set Callsign
or /callsign
Impound Vehicle - /impound
*for impound vehicle for investigations, can be recovered by law enforcement only at each station
Depot Vehicle - /depot
*for removing a car in the way or if a towing company is not available, if its a player vehicle it will be placed in the depot.
Tracking Anklet
Place Anklet Tracker on player - /anklet
Check Anklet Location - /ankletlocation
Clothing and Uniforms
Open Job Outfit - /joboutfit
Reset Armor - /resetarmor
Grant License - /grantlicense [ID] [TYPE]
type drivers
requires any law enforcement rank 2+
type weapon
requires any law enforcement rank 2+
type hunting
requires any sheriff rank 2+
type cdl
requires trucker rank 1
type pilot
requires airport rank 2+
Revoke a License - /revokelicense [ID] [TYPE]
type drivers
, weapon
and hunting
any law enforcement rank 2+
type cdl
any law enforcement rank 2+ or trucker rank 1
type pilot
any law enforcement rank 2+ or airport rank 2+
Toggle Radar - * F5 *
or /radar
Close Radar Menu - * ESC or RIGHT CLICK *
Locks speed of the front antenna - Numpad 8
Locks speed of the rear antenna - Numpad 5
Locks the current plate in front - Numpad 9
Locks the current plate in behind - Numpad 6
Toggles the keylock state - L
Live CCTV Cameras
View Live CCTV Camera Menu - /cctv
View Specific Live CCTV - /cctv #
Sonoran Systems
Open Mini CAD - * no default key *
or /minicad
Open CAD Tablet - * no default key *
or /showcad
Self Dispatch - * no default key *
or /selfdispatch
Show Radio - * no default key *
or /sonradradio
Next Preset - * no default key *
or /sonradnext
Prev Preset - * no default key *
or /sonradprev
Radio Power - * no default key *
or /sonradpower
Radio Panic - * no default key *
or /sonradpanic
NPC Mission - Toggle Mission - /npc
NPC Mission - Tow Vehicle - /tow
Attach Vehicle - /attach
Detach Vehicle - /detach
Other Areas
Rockstar Editor
Record - * no default key * or /record
Clip - * no default key * or /clip
Save Clip - * no default key * or /saveclip
Delete Clip - * no default key * or /delclip
Open Editor - * no default key * or /editor
Racing App
Add Checkpoint - * INSERT *
Delete Checkpoint - * DELETE *
Move Checkpoint - * HOME *
Save Race - * NUM 0 *
Increase Checkpoint Size - * PAGEUP *
Decrease Checkpoint Size - * PAGEDOWN *
Exit - * NUM 9 *
Last updated