Wraith ARS 2X
A guide on how to use the in-game radar resource
Last updated
A guide on how to use the in-game radar resource
Last updated
to open the Remote for the radar
Click the Toggle Display button on the remote and then click the PWR button on the Radar box to turn on the radar instruments
Click the XMIT on your preferred radar (Front/Back) to turn it into transmit mode then click either SAME or OPP to choose a direction for that radar
Fast Target (FAS)
If turned on, then the fastest target will be displayed
Same Lane Sensitivity (SL SEn)
This will change the sensitivity of the same-lane radar, or the range. The higher the number the longer the range will be
Opposite Lane Sensitivity (OP SEn)
Same as the Same Lane Sensitivity option, but for radars who are aimed at the opposite lane
Beep Volume (bEE P)
This will change the volume of the beeps when clicking on buttons, the lower the number the lower the volume.
Voice Volume (VOI CE)
This will change the volume of the voice announcer when a fast speed is captured, the lower the number the lower the volume
Plate Audio (PLt AUd)
This will change the volume of the announcer that plays when a BOLO’d plate is captured by the radar, the lower the number the lower the volume
Unit Type (Uni tS)
Changes the unit that the radar captures in, USA is for MPH and iNt is for KMH
Fast Lock (FAS Loc)
Changes whether the radar will lock a speed if the speed is faster than the fast speed
Fast Speed (FAS SPd)
Sets the minimum speed for the radar to lock a fast speed, in increments of 5
You are able to find each keybind by going to your GTA Settings -> Keybinds -> FiveM
. There, it will show each keybind and what they do. You are able to change them like normal GTA keybinds.
- Opens the Radar Controller
- Toggles the radar key locks, which disables all keybindings for the radar
- Toggles the lock for the front radar
- Toggles the lock for the rear radar
- Toggles the lock for the front ALPR
- Toggles the lock for the rear ALPR
- Closes radar controller
PDF Manual - A manual created by the author, showcasing all of the features of the radar
Full Showcase Video - A video also created by the author showcasing every feature in a video format (15m)