Out of Character Phrases
Ever need to say something "Out-of-Character (OOC)" but want to stay "in-character (IC)"? We've included a list of IC phrases to say and their OOC counterpart.
Not on my monocle - I didn’t see something happen.
Sorry, I have a twitch - I accidentally punched/hit someone
I had a headache - In-game lag
Muscle Spasm - Accidentally punched/hit someone.
I’ll be out of my head - Away from Keyboard.
You have a spider on you - JUMPPPP, Player is teleporting small distances (around 5m)
I’ll be out of my head/He/she is out of their head - You or someone is AFK
Not on my glasses - I didn’t see something happen/anything on your screen.
Voice box is broken - Mic isn’t working.
I just had to drink a little tea/Take a mint - I fixed my mic
Check your Bluetooth”- peep yo Discord.
I need to wipe my glasses/change my contacts - Can’t see something/Texture loss
Losing vision/I can’t see - Texture loss.
Poor cell service - Lag/Desync
The Gods/aliens took him/her - disconnected/crashed out of game
My/your car is a little bumpy - desync/lag
[insert natural disaster] has or is about to hit - server restart
Hey, look over there points in direction - Look away because I'm probably going to DV a car, and you shouldn't see it.
Last updated