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The time comes in everyone's life when they decide they have the need for speed... Well, fortunately, San Andreas is full of fellow racers just like you. This guide will help you get started with your racing career. Anyone has the ability to start a race, from creating tracks to hosting events; the AIO Tablet will have everything you need.
This tablet is the key to everything related to racing. Upon opening the tablet, you will be greeted with various options laid out for you to choose from. In order to get a tablet, you must head to a Digital Den and buy one. When aquired you'll need to meet with Paige to create a racing account, she is found in different parts of San Andreas.
The Current Race Tab will display all information about the race you're currently involved in. If you're not in any active race, it will display 'No Race.'
The Available Races Tab will show you all the available races in San Andreas. If you're having trouble finding races, click the Refresh Button. If there are available races, you'll see all the information provided by the Race Host, from the name of the race to how much time is left until the race expires. The Race Host can start and manage their race as they please because they're the leader.
The Setup Race Tab allows you to start a race. Choose a track and select 'Setup,' and you'll be prompted to select and customize the race to your liking. When you're finished, click the big red 'startup' button, and people will be able to join your race.
If you see no tracks in the Setup Race tab you might have to uncheck the "Show Only Curated" checkbox.
The Race Results Tab allows you to view the active results for all ongoing races inside San Andreas. If you're looking for a specific ongoing race, you can choose it from the Select Race dropdown menu.
The Race Records Tab shows you the records for all past-ended races. Select a race, and if needed, select a class. When all are selected, you'll be able to see all the participants and their results.
The My Tracks Tab shows all the tracks you have created. You're able to do anything you wish with the track, from deleting it to editing it.
The Create Track Tab will allow you to do as the title states: create a track. You can make one from scratch using the Race Creator, or you can create one from 'Share.' If you need help making a track with the Race Creator, please read 'Create a Track.'
When you're ready to create a track of your liking, you'll want to head to the 'My Tracks' Tab on the Tablet > Create Track > Put a track title in the text box and then open Race Creator.
Using the Race Creator, you'll be able to bring your wildest racing dreams to life. Your tracks can be as long and as difficult as you would like them to be, so customize them to your liking and have fun!
Starting, you'll see the Legend in the top left corner. There you'll find the Track Title and all the information you currently have for your race.
When driving along the track you're creating, you'll need to add checkpoints. Press the INSERT key to add a checkpoint to your track.
If you've realized down the line that you've made a mistake on a prior checkpoint, you can press HOME to modify the checkpoint you've created; just make sure to check the checkpoint number.
To change the width of the checkpoint beacons, press PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to increase and decrease the distance. This can be helpful in wide or narrow track settings to ensure fairness and clarity for everyone racing.
When you're finished, you can click 9 to cancel the editor and discard all your work, or you can click 0 (Zero) to save the race and have it uploaded to the tablet.
To join a race, look on your tablet to find information about races that might be happening in the state. If you find one, you can reach out to someone hosting a race, or if the race is public, go ahead and click 'Join Race.'
When you're ready to race with others, head back to the Race Tablet to start the race. Everyone will be teleported in line behind the starting position, and there will be a 10-second countdown timer. When it reaches 0, you'll all be free to start the race. In the top right corner, you'll see all the current race information, and on your map, you'll see the checkpoints. Follow the checkpoints to reach the finish line, and the first to do so wins the race!
If your race had a buy-in fee, you'll be rewarded with the prize consisting of the total buy-ins from each person who participated in the race.
If you're participating in a race with a buy-in fee, you must pay in cryptocurrency; no other forms of payment will be accepted!