Gruppe 6 Transports
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This guide serves as a detailed manual for Gruppe 6 members who wish to complete transport missions. Always ensure you follow the policies set by Gruppe 6 before starting a mission.
Head to G6 HQ:
Enter the G6 Headquarters and go behind the front desk.
Locate the transport organizer standing in the corner.
Initiate the Mission:
Use your third eye on the transport organizer.
Select "Start Money Transport" from the menu.
Select the mission you wish to do.
Select Available Guards:
At the top of the menu, you'll see a list of all available G6 guards.
Guards marked with an X are available and not currently on a mission.
Click on the names of the guards you wish to include in the transport; their X will change to a checkmark, indicating selection.
Guards with briefcases next to their names are already on an active transport and cannot be selected.
Start or Cancel the Mission:
Once you've selected your team, click "Start Mission" to proceed or "Cancel" to back out.
You'll be prompted to set a vehicle plate. After setting the plate, the Stockade will spawn in front of the building.
All selected members will receive keys to the vehicle.
Other members can ride in the Stockade or spawn additional vehicles using the vehicle spawner.
Follow Yellow Markers:
The GPS will display yellow markers indicating the pickup locations.
Proceed to each location in order to collect money from businesses.
Collect Money:
Upon arrival at a pickup location, go to the back or marker point on the map.
Press [E] Collect Money to pick up the cash.
Once collected, you'll carry a briefcase containing the money.
Deposit the Money:
Take the briefcase to the back of the Stockade and deposit it into the truck.
Repeat this process for each location.
Stay Alert:
Be aware that as the transport progresses and more money is collected, the truck becomes a target for criminals. Ensure the safety of the transport team and the cargo.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only the person who started the transport can pick up the money from the businesses.
Notify Completion:
After completing all pickups, you will be notified that the collection phase is complete.
Proceed to the Union Depository to deposit the collected money.
Drop Off the Money:
Upon arrival at the Union Depository, walk to the designated marker and press [E] to deposit the cash.
This action resets the truck balance to $0, ensuring that any attempted robberies after this point yield no money.
Receive Payment:
Each member of the transport team will be paid a percentage of the total money collected.
End the Mission:
Return to the transport organizer behind the front desk.
Use your third eye on him and notify him that the mission is complete.
You are now free to go off-duty
KNOWN ISSUES: Occasionally, when spawning a vehicle, no keys are provided unless you use a string of numbers for the plate. To avoid this issue, it is recommended to set the plate to "123" So you don't have to cancel the transport and waste a slot.
By following this guide, Gruppe 6 members can ensure the smooth and efficient completion of transport missions. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and good luck!